Monday, June 7, 2021


We had a long weekend and took the opportunity to get out of town (still can't believe it's our first overnight trip in Portugal...thanks COVID).  We headed south for a relaxing and memory-filled weekend in the Algarve.  We were out of dodge, I didn't even bring my computer because I didn't think our houseboat would have Wifi.  It was so nice to leave all our responsibilities 200 kilometers away and have some focused time together as a family.  

Our first morning we went on dolphin and whale watching, unfortunately we didn't see any whales but we managed to see hundreds of dolphins.  Tae was in heaven and asked the marine biologists all the questions he could think of.  He will be quick to tell you all about how gannets fly so fast they can break their necks when they dive for a fish. If you got an hour our nature guy will fill it with facts about animals.  

We spent the rest of the time soaking up the sun at a remote beach, exploring the historic town center, gorging ourselves with gelato, enjoying the houseboat, and introducing the kids to arcade games.  We called it the EPIC weekend because we really had no plans and pretty much said yes to anything. Here are a few of my favorite pictures and a short video I made: 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 My Favorite Photo(s) from May: 

I can't choose just one.  May was one for the books, as Tae likes to say now. 

Date nights
Connecting over goblets 

Getting beat by our 6 year old 

Finding new flowers 

Rock climbing with a view 

Charming Chiado

One of our favorite restaurants 

Coffee with papai

Growing independence...even for picture day 

Finding a new coffee joint 

Dating my sexy best friend 

Stumbling upon beautiful architecture (and that cute belly!)

Admiring their friendship

Sick cuddles and not being to old to fall asleep on (working) mommy

Her letting me get her hair out of her face (and keeping it!) 

The joy of water games at field day 

Close friends and bathing suits 

All that confidence 

May they always be proud of their accomplishments 

A budding runner. 
Beauty in the mundane.

Name a thoughtful moment from May: 

I've come to cherish my morning routine. Stretch, coffee, getting in the Word and connecting with the Creator, and not checking my email or social media.  Some things God's been revealing and teaching me: 

  • My competency is found in Christ, not myself. 
  • Vulnerability with those closest to me is scary, but worth it 
  • I need Jesus to renew my spirit each day. 
  • God's story of redemption and endless pursuit of us is unfathomable, it has been so neat to see all the connection and ties between the old and new testament. 

What's something I'm looking forward to in June: 

Ending our time in Portugal on a high note.  We have a fun weekend away planned for the first long weekend and then we are just getting things ready for our next adventure. I want to be intentional with my time and take all the beauty of Portugal, conversations with my colleagues, amazing culture, and delicious food in. 

Monday, May 24, 2021


 It's time for another round of school pictures and yearly interviews.  We are about 1.5 years from last year's and our littles are getting bigger. 

Elea in PreK3 at United Lisbon International School--Lisbon, Portugal

Chatting with Mei Mei: 

How old are you: 4 

What grade are you in: PreK 3 

Teachers: Ms Shannon and Eduardo...Mr. Eduardo. And Ms. Nikolitsa

Favorite Food: Soup and lollipops

Favorite Place to Go: Camping...Tiara's house...Restaurants 

When I Grow Up I Want to Be A: Princess...Queen...a Princess

Best Friend: Tiara, Guilherme, Gonçalo, Sabastião, Vicente, Eduardo 

Favorite Book: Princess

Favorite Toy: I like the toy, my dolls in the paw print 

My Favorite Thing About School Is: Centers 

What I Don't Like About School Is: Following Tiara and what she says

Tae Kindergarten at United Lisbon International School--Lisbon, Portugal

Chatting with Tae:

How old are you: 6

What grade are you in: Kindergarten 

Teachers: Ms. Monica, Mr. Eduardo, Ms. Shannon

Favorite Food: Leafy greens, spinach, and broccoli 

Favorite Place to Go: In a boat because I like to see whales and dolphins

When I Grow Up I Want to Be A: Scientist

Best Friend: Cesar, Paul, Haoran, Theo

Favorite Book: Animal book

Favorite Toy: Animal toys 

My Favorite Thing About School Is: I get to draw 

What I Don't Like About School Is: When people do naughty things and it hurts my feelings 

Sunday, March 7, 2021



Runs outside as the weather warms up 

Daily reminders of His faithfulness and power

Long walks with these goobers 

Family walks 

Using their cuteness to get a free flower 

Visits from lady bugs 

Taking in the history of this beautiful city 

One-on-one time with this monkey

Gaining strength and making it new distances on runs 

Picnics and sunshine 

Pile ons

Filling our home with simple beauty 

Friday, February 19, 2021


We've been spending a lot of time together the past month, who am I kidding the past year. I've fallen in love with the little moments with Tae and Elea. I love watching how they observe the world and make meaning of everything.  Here a few of my favorite things they've said recently: 

The other day at lunch (perk of online learning, getting to eat lunch as family) Tae said the prayer and just went into a conversation with God asking so many questions about different animals and then followed it up with, "I can't wait to ask you more when I see you in heaven." 

Elea: "The world is full of beautiful things. And handsome things too." 

We watched Happy Feet for movie night. It is such a great movie about kindness, acceptance, and being proud of who you are.  However, there was a sad part where Mumble was forced to leave his penguin crew and Tae was bawling over it.  He was so upset at how mean they were being to him.  It broke my mama heart while simultaneously making me proud of what a caring kid Tae is.