Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Tae's 9th Birthday

I cannot believe Tae is nine. It feels like just yesterday that we were bringing him home to our place on Avenida Júlio de Mesquita. This age (similar to all the others) is so fun.  I love the conversations we get to have, the questions he asks, and the passion for sports he is developing.  He's such a tender-hearted kid, a true strength. He is kind and inclusive and often reflects, not just on how he feels but how others might have felt.   

His love for soccer is apparent, he can't go a day without touching a ball and looking up the Premiere League table. He spends hours playing on the field developing his footwork and shooting.  It's fun to watch him improve because I see the time he puts in.  So of course for his birthday he just wanted to play some footie with his friends. 

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