Monday, September 14, 2020


 The first day of school is in the books.  Elea is in K3 and Tae is in Kindergarten.  They are in a multi-aged classroom, which helped make the first day back in a school building after 6 months a bit easier for both of them.  Their teachers are fantastic, we've really lucked out with so many wonderful teachers in their first years of school.  I'm excited to see how much they learn and how confident they feel in June! 

Elea loves: Picking her own outfits, coloring with crayons (castles, girls with high shoes, and shapes), Moana, and dancing 
Elea doesn't love: brushing her hair and staying in bed the whole night

Tae loves: drawing animals, learning about animals, creating animals with LEGO, numbers 
Tae doesn't love: not knowing how to "write something", 

It's my first year as principal and it's been a constant game of learning.  I figure if I can lead a start-up school in the middle of a pandemic than next year has to be easier, right?  In all honesty, I feel so thankful for this opportunity and that my kids get to go to such a great school.  Not many parents get to give their kids hugs throughout the day.

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