Monday, October 30, 2017


Halloween, just like all holidays, is better with kids. We decided to do a family costume, and what's better than a family of pandas?  Tae loved his costume, he would wear it around the house and dance in it.  Elea, on the other hand, hated it.  She didn't mind the actual suit, but hated the hood.

For the SIS Halloween parade Tae decided (read melted down) to wear his Superman costume. Thankfully I dressed him in the clothes to go with it and next thing we knew he was ready to go in true Clark Kent style. The funny thing was he was Superman and his best friend, Jonas, was Batman. Nothing is cuter than a bunch of toddlers dressed up and walking around. 

My grade level went as trophies, and we won the costume contest.  Note to self, do not paint your whole body in oil based gold paint, it will take forever to get off.

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