Monday, April 20, 2015

Tae is One Month!

One Month 
April 19, 2015 

Weight: 9.8 lbs

Height: 22 inches (my estimate, we didn't ask at the doctor's office...parent fail)


  • Movement of any kind (riding in the car, walks in the stroller, worn in the baby carrier, daddy's shotgun trick, etc)
  • Eating
  • Christmas lights
  • Gripe water
  • Being held
  • Sleeping on someone


  • Diaper changes
  • Waking up from naps
  • Getting stuck in traffic
  • Being hungry

The Jury's Out:

  • Being swaddled
  • Baths
  • Pacifiers
  • Daytime naps


  • Smile (without being followed by a poop)
  • Speaking of poop--we experienced the first explosive poop while changing him
  • Stank eye (I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come)
  • We had our first visitors--Grammy and Poppy.

Mommy Thoughts: This first month has flown by, we laugh looking back at how clueless we were in the beginning.  The first couple weeks were tough, but by the Lord's grace we are surviving day by day. We are smitten with our little chunky monkey. It is so fun to get to know him better and watch his personality shine through more and more.  He definitely takes after his papa with his calm and relaxed demeanor. I find myself just staring at him or creepily watching him sleep.  I just can't take my eyes off him!

Sidenote: Jess and I were talking today and how having Tae has made us fall more in love with each other.  I love seeing Jess interact and take care of Tae.  He is so gentle, patient, and loving with him.  He has been my saving grace and I appreciate all the diaper changes, water fill-ups, rocking to sleep, and dinners cooked.  Some of my favorite memories so far have been when I catch Jess staring down at Tae or when he is playing with him.

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