I remember when I thought 28 was so OLD. haha. Although I do feel it is old, it isn't in the same sense. I am so thankful to have been blessed to be on this earth for 28 years. Everyday I wake up and thank the Lord for allowing me to see his creation for another day.
Jess spoiled me this weekend. He surprised me a number of time and we ate at some of the best restaurants in town. I think my competitors in the Biggest Loser paid him off. lol. It was worth it. He also made me the cutest animoto video, if I can figure out how to post it on here I will. In collaboration with my sneaky sister he emailed all my friends and asked them to send him pictures and a little memory of us. He put it all together to music with fading in and out. It was the best present. I got a little teary when I saw it this morning. As much fun as I am having here in China, let's be honest no one wants to be away for your birthday. He and my amazing friends here made it as normal as possible. I am heading to a fav family tonight to have cake. I'm super excited. Then starts the real work...getting back on the healthy track.
Thanks to everyone for the wishes!
Some things I did in my 27th year:
-Ran the Great Wall 1/2 Marathon
-Went to Harbin
-Fell in love
-Went to Europe for the first time...London and Italy
-Tried a tomato
-Grew my hair out
-Stopped teaching and took on another challenge...accreditation coordinator
-Went to LA
-Went to Beijing
-Bought my first Mac
-Had credit card debt...stunk really bad
-Forgave myself and others
Things I am looking forward to in my 28th year:
-Going to Vietnam
-Going to Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, and Hong Kong
-Going to Cambodia
-Going to Japan
-Going to Korea
-Being debt free
-Getting back in shape
-Going home to the States for summer for some R&R
I'm sure there is more, but those are all my brain can pump out right now.
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