Day 2: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day 3: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day 4: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5: Six things you wish you could change or wish you would have never done.
Day 6: Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day 7: Four turn offs.
Day 8: Three turn ons.
Day 9: Two words that describe your life right now.
Day 10: One confession.
I missed a bunch of days due to my birthday weekend! Let me just state it now that I have the most thoughtful, creative, and loving boyfriend in the world. I was spoiled the whole weekend with great food, company, and time. My actual birthday is has been a normal day in that sense (workday) but I am feeling the love from everyone!
Ok, let's get down to it. I consolidated all the days into a catch up session.
Day 5: Six Things you wish you could change or wish you would have never done.
I hate to sound corny, but I wouldn't change anything. I think my mistakes have taught me lessons, made me swallow my pride, and tested my faith. I don't think I would be who I am without my mistakes. In case that is not suffice...I wish I could take back or change...
braces...let's face it they are no good, add that to being the awkward years and it is a hot mess. But like I said before...they gave me a straight smile. :)
distance...I would change the distance I am from my loved ones, but then again I wouldn't because being out of my comfort zone has made me grow and appreciate my life
Chick-Fil-A, Baskin Robins, and Chicora...if I could I would transport these two fine establishments to Kai Fai Qu, China. Oh my heavens...that would be amazing!
That's all I got.
Day 6: Five People Who Mean a Lot to You...would add a lot more, but am sticking to the rules.
#1: My parents. Hands down the most generous, reliable, loving, merciful, selfless people I know. I've said it before and I'll say it again, they mean the world to me. I would be lost without them. Sure, they were very strict growing up and I totally wished I could be watching MTV, but now being older I realize they did it to make my life easier. So #1...mis padres.

#2: My siblings. At times we fought like Tweety and Sylvester, but now we are very close. I love how we are all so different, yet come together based on our same core values. We all love God, our family, and competition. Does it get better than that? It's so cool to see my brother and sisters starting their own families.

#3: Amanda. My best friend since we were two. She has been there through it all and we have been through it all. She is someone I know will listen and help me no matter what. Being in China we don't talk all the time, but we still pick up like it hasn't been even a day since we last talked. This past summer she came to visit me at my parents' lake house and it was great to catch up. It's funny to think we were babies when we met. Where has the time gone?
#4: Jess. For so many years I dated guys I thought I could change because I wanted to improve their life. I met Jess over a year ago and realized there are guys out there that don't need changing. Things with us our so easy. He has helped me grow into myself and see the differences in the world for what they are...great. He means so much to me because we can talk about, sports, teaching, environment, and the list could go on and on. He makes me laugh when I want to cry and always puts things in perspective for me.
#5: Katie Ro. I think Katie Ro and I are soul mates. We are both complete dorks that love to dance to hip hop and then 80s music the next song. We laugh and cry at the same movies. We have been through it all with men...and I mean it all. I have to laugh at some of the things we put up with, but now we are both stronger for it. She is an amazingly HARD WORKER and so thoughtful. I'm glad to have her as my best friend.
Honorable Mention: Nieces and nephews, Veronica, Kara, Laney, Shannon, Mivvers, Willie, Suzanne, Krissy, and last but not least Brandon.
Day 7: Four Turn Offs
2. Being late
3. Bad breath
4. Cockiness
Day 8: Three Turn Ons
1. Smile
2. Great personality
3. Thoughtfulness
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