Day 1: Ten things you want to say to ten people right now.
Day 2: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day 3: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day 4: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5: Six things you wish you could change or wish you would have never done.
Day 6: Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day 7: Four turn offs.
Day 8: Three turn ons.
Day 9: Two words that describe your life right now.
Day 10: One confession.
I can't sleep with socks on, if I do I get nightmares.

I have a fake's rather new, less than 2 years old. Can you guess which one?

I am a texture freak...this is applicable in all, touch, seeing a weird texture, etc.

I have real deja vu often...I'm talking stuff that already has happened happens again, the exact same way.

I multitask in the shower...some people sing, I multi-task. Yep, super talented.

A friend of mine was killed on New Years junior year...I haven't like New Years since.

I end my nightly prayer the same every night.

I am a blog "lurker", I find it interesting to read about other people's lives that are my age. Even more interesting to see how different things are, but still similar enough. I rarely comment because I don't know if that is acceptable or creepy.

I like to pop pimples...gross I know, but true none-the-less.

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