Day 1: Ten things you want to say to ten people right now.
Day 2: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day 3: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day 4: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5: Six things you wish you could change or wish you would have never done.
Day 6: Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day 7: Four turn offs.
Day 8: Three turn ons.
Day 9: Two words that describe your life right now.
Day 10: One confession.
Here goes nothing.
1. Mom and Dad-Thank you for everything. Words can't express how much you mean to me. Getting out and into the world has made me realize how blessed I am to be your daughter. Not everyone had the childhood I did and I am thankful for that. I'm thankful for you always putting God first and showing me what marriage is all about. I'm thankful for you putting all of us kids first, even if it meant giving up something you really wanted. I haven't learned that yet, but I'm getting there and it makes me more appreciative of your sacrifices. I know I'm all the way in China, but I think of y'all daily and miss you so much! Love you!
2. Adam-I know we aren't very close, but I miss you. I miss seeing your family and knowing what is going on in your life and your family's. I hope that we can develop our relationship in the future. I'm at fault as well, because I just figured you guys were too busy. I want to know your kids and them to know me. I don't want to regret not knowing my nieces and nephew. Love you!
3. Big Pop-Even though we only saw each other a couple times a year, you were a great grandpa. You were full of life and told the best stories. I wish I visited and called more. I love you and thank you for giving me such a good mom.
4. Watkins and Campbells-I miss you guys and your families. It is crazy to me to watch my sisters raise a family. You two are so much like mom it's not even funny. Julie with your crafts and creative juices and Amy with your gentle spirit. It's fun to watch and I'm so glad I have you two as role models for putting Christ first in your marriage, family, and life. Keep putting pictures of your kiddos up on Facebook, I miss them and that is my only connection!!! Can't wait til this summer. Love and miss you!
5. KT- You are such a role model, ever since I was little and it hasn't changed. I know I'm across the world, but I still love talking to and hearing your funny stories. We are so similar it's not even funny. I am excited to see where you end up, who knows it might even be China! Your love of life, confidence, and loyalty are traits to be admired. When you walk in the room everyone wants to be your friend, it truly is amazing. I love you and miss you!
6. Bball girls-I miss you more than words can say. I miss our crazy times and the bond from competing. I am so glad to keep up with most of you, and if I don't keep up with you believe me I hear from other bballers. You are like my sisters and have helped me through so much. Thank you for your encouragement and support through my quest to fulfill my dreams.
7. Jess- What can I say that you don't already know? I'm so thankful you are in my life. You have helped me so much to see the beauty in mistakes and to accept the past. You helped me realize who I am and to have confidence in that. You are patient with me and make me laugh. You always know what to say and do the little things to show me you care. I came to China trying to find myself...I did, but it wasn't in the way I thought it would be. Through your friendship and love I found myself, so thank you. I love you and want you know know how special you are to me. Olive Juice.
8. Veronica-You are amazing. I have no doubt God put us both here to meet one another. You are such a support here and I am thankful for you. You help me see things from a different point of view and encourage me when I need it. I am excited to see where you go next, and you better believe I will be visiting.
9. Accreditation agencies-Why must you make it so hard to get accreditation? Why so many hoops to jump through? You are making my life stressful, and it's 6 months away. I know you will say it is for the good of the school, but what about the good of my sanity?! lol
10. PJ-I forgive you and truly wish you the best in your life. I used to say that and didn't really mean it, but now I do.
11. Others in my past-"I believe that our background and circumstances my have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.". ~unknown
Wow, that was harder than I thought. Being away from my amazing family and friends I could go on and on, but I'll just limit it to those. Also, sorry for lack of pictures...I haven't transferred my pics from my old computer to my new one.
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