I haven't forgotten about my Happy Days...here they are in no particular order.
1. A sunrise bike ride along the beach. It was cloudy as we were headed to get our bikes, but as we pedaled to Arpador the sky opened up and we saw a pretty bomb diggity sunrise.
2. Amazing and yummy dinner at CT in Leblon. Bonus for not having to wait at all for a table!
3. Seeing the Cristo for the first time, it was amazing (and crowded). Also, the bump got us moved up in all the lines. #thankyoubump
4. Naps, naps, and naps.
5. A new discovery of the best pastels in the world. BB Lanches, amazing. Our last day in Rio we went for breakfast and I bought 8 to bring home. Stuck those bad boys in the fridge and enjoyed them for a couple more days. Squirt a little Frank's hot sauce on them and they were even more delicious.
6. Sunsets never get old. Brazilians make it even better by applauding the sunset every night. One this night Jess and I grabbed some coconuts, sat and took it all in.
7. Dinner with good people.
8. New Years on Copacabana beach. We had a great time with our new American friends watching the fireworks and dancing in the streets. Jess was so thoughtful and got a chair throne from their apartment for me to sit in so I wasn't exhausted. Proud to say I made it the whole night and the 1 1/2 walk home.
9. Jess has made all my vacation days happy. He surprises me daily with thoughtful gestures, or just plain taking care of me. We had countless moments and days on the beach where I just found myself smiling and thanking God for this man I get to spend the rest of my life with.
10. Coming home and sleeping in our own bed.
11. My weekly massage from Diomar, man I missed her.
12. Returning home and having a bunch of Christmas cards to read. We also got a fun package from Baan Santisuk with artwork from our two boys and a letter with updates. It made my day!
13. A wonderful summer lunch with Bridget, Pete, and Jess. Bridget made an amazing light, healthy, and refreshing meal of salmon, salad, and cous cous.
14. Tae's kicks, twists, and turns. He is a mover and a shaker for sure. Each time I feel him move I am in awe of God's plan and creation. Our bodies are perfectly made to grow a human life! How amazing!
15. Watermelon and mint juice.
16. Blasting music and working on watercolors. Ideally I will put some of them up in Tae's room, but I need to improve a little more.
17. Two nights ago we started reading Unbroken before we go to bed. I love listening to Jess read and the book is good as well.
18. Ordering more goodies for Tae. It makes his arrival more real.
19. Air condition in the car--we may or may not have gotten in the car and just drove around to enjoy the cold air.
Hopefully since we are back home I can get on a regular schedule of posting. I still think I might break it up into HappyWeeks, but we'll see. We start work next week so I will have a better idea of what I can handle after that.
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