Monday, December 29, 2014

#100HappyDays: Days 10-12

So this whole blogging while on vacation is not as easy as I thought it would be.  This may turn into a weekly update of happy days, just so I don't feel like it is a chore.

December 26, 2014 

#1: Chai tea latte from Starbucks

#2: Watching the sunset with the locals at Bar de Urca

#3: Feeling Tae move around at night when I lay down

December 27, 2014 
#1: Watching the sunrise

December 28, 2014 
#1: Sleeping in and not feeling guilty about it

#2: Starting a new novel

#3: Growing in our marriage through tough conversations

#4: Watching another sunset with my love

#5: Lemonade and Matte on the beach

#6: Mexican food for dinner...again.

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