Saturday, December 20, 2014

#100HappyDays: Day 4

December 20, 2014 

#1: Traveling with Jess to Rio.  Although we got up at 5:00 AM and had a three hour delay because of rain we still had fun playing games and talking, and most importantly he kept me calm.  It was one of those moments I thought to myself, "I'm so glad he's my husband."

#2: Arriving in Rio, there is something about this city that I love and even though I have never lived here I feel strangely feel at home when I arrive.

3#: Acai and orange juice.

#4: A super duper long nap with Jess.

#5: Sitting with Jess to people watch, chat, and and watch the sunset on Ipanema. I find it endearing how Brazilians clap every sunsets.

#6: A banging Mexican food dinner. We stuffed our faces with chips & dip and fajitas (and lots of jalapeños)

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