Bump Post: Weeks 31-32
How far along: 32 weeks
Baby Size: A head of lettuce
Weight gain: In the words of my doctor I had a "Great holiday" because of I doubled my normal weight gain. I guess that acai everyday in Rio helped the cause.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing loose clothes and maternity tops. For bottoms my belly band has been a lifesaver.
Stretch marks: None on my tummy.
Sleep: I've been sleeping like a rock lately. I am trying to get my sleep in why I can because I know when little Tae comes it will be hard to do that.
Gender: Tae Tazwell Kuemmerlin
Movement: He has been moving so much, he's having his own personal dance party in his stomach. He still likes the right side, but makes a move to the left every once and awhile.
Best moment this week: Last week we got a care package from our friends, the Smiths. It was the sweetest thing and totally made my day. There were lots of goodies for Tae and I cannot wait to dress him in all of them!
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Monday and moving in. I am getting anxious about the move, I hope we have enough time to get everything set up before the little guy makes his appearance.
Food cravings: I've been eating more sweets lately and peanut butter. Also, still drinking agua com gas like it`s going out of style.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Negative
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Wine. I would love some sangria or a good glass of Malbec.
Symptoms: Emotional (crying for no reason), sore hips, and peeing all the time.
Nursery: Still waiting to move so we can get started.
Belly Button in or out? Moving on out.
Wedding rings on or off? I've just been wearing my wedding band, the engagement ring still fits, but not as comfortably.
Mood: Up and down. I am so excited to meet Tae, but at the same time I am anxious. I know our whole world will change and I am both so excited and worried about adjusting to the change. I am also missing my family and wish they could be more apart of this pregnancy.
Prayer for Tae Tazwell:
Dear Lord,
Everyday I am amazed by the changes in my body and how much our little man is growing. I am so thankful for Tae's health and pray that he continues to grow strong and develop. I pray as he learns to breath on his own that his lungs and throat develop properly. I pray Tae's body is not only strong, but his heart and mind grow strong as well. I pray we can protect him from the things of this world, but also be honest and communicate with him. I am so excited to meet him and cannot wait to be his mommy.
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