Monday, December 29, 2014

#100HappyDays: Days 10-12

So this whole blogging while on vacation is not as easy as I thought it would be.  This may turn into a weekly update of happy days, just so I don't feel like it is a chore.

December 26, 2014 

#1: Chai tea latte from Starbucks

#2: Watching the sunset with the locals at Bar de Urca

#3: Feeling Tae move around at night when I lay down

December 27, 2014 
#1: Watching the sunrise

December 28, 2014 
#1: Sleeping in and not feeling guilty about it

#2: Starting a new novel

#3: Growing in our marriage through tough conversations

#4: Watching another sunset with my love

#5: Lemonade and Matte on the beach

#6: Mexican food for dinner...again.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bump Post: Weeks 25-27

Okay, so I'm not the best on the weekly bump narrative, at least I get something up on Instagram. I combined weeks 25-27, here it goes...

How far along: 27 and 2 days 

Baby Size: A rutabaga 

Weight gain: I think around 5 pounds, although I can mostly tell because lost my muscles. Not being able to workout actually kinda stinks.  

Maternity clothes: A mixture.  I would say I mostly wear lose fitting dresses and those work just fine. 

Stretch marks: Not any extra.
Sleep: Getting tired of sleeping on my sides, I am such a stomach sleeper and miss it so much. However, this hasn't stopped me from sleeping.  Being on vacation lends itself to lots of naps.  
Gender: Tae Tazwell 

Movement: He moves, but not tons. I credit that to my abnormally long torso. :)  Sometimes I get worried because I don't feel him on a regular basis, but Jess says he is just a calm baby. Tae normally moves a lot after I drink orange juice. 

Best moment this week: We had a check up before heading to Rio and everything was great.  Another great moment was just being in the ocean and feeling him move.  Aside from Tae, my sister Katie had her baby and he is adorable!  I hope Trey and Tae are best buddies. 

Looking forward to: Relaxing more. We are in Rio for 3 weeks, so we are taking it easy and exploring new places.  

Food cravings: Nothing really.  I love orange juice, but not in a craving manner. 
  Anything making you queasy or sick: No. 
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Laying out on my stomach, I know such a little thing, but I am beginning to look uneven.
Symptoms: Nothing really. 
Nursery: Haven't even thought about it since my last post.  Although I did start doing watercolor painting and I think I will make some for his room. 
Belly Button in or out? Out, with a couple of sun blisters.  That has never happened to me before, after reading up on it apparently your skin is more sense

Wedding rings on or off? I've just been wearing my wedding band, the engagement ring still fits, but not as comfortably. 

Mood: Last week I finally felt pregnant.  For some reason I was crying nonstop and couldn't even figure out why.  This went on for a good 20 minutes and then abruptly stopped and I was fine.  The other night it happened again.  I chalked it up to pregnancy hormones.  

Prayer for Baby K: 
Dear Lord, 
       I thank you for a smooth pregnancy thus far and I pray Tae continues to grow healthy and strong these last 3 months.  There are so many intricacies in his development and I trust you fully to oversee all of them.  I thank you for this journey of pregnancy and giving me the time to prepare for Tae's arrival. Thank you for a supportive husband and family as we go along this journey. I am humbled even more now by the birth of Christ and what Mary had to go through. Thank you for sending your son to save us from our sins.  
        As he begins to recognize my voice in the womb I pray in the same way he recognizes your voice in the Holy Spirit throughout his life.  I also pray that the direction and advice we give him as parents is aligned with your plan for his life.  Little Tae's brain is beginning to have activity. I pray that you give him intelligence and balance it with compassion. Your miraculous ways amaze me and I can't wait to meet the little guy.  Thank you for forming him in my womb and preparing us to be parents along the way. In Jesus' name,  Amen. 
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6 

#100HappyDays: Day 9

December 25, 2014 

#1: Sleeping in, we are getting all the sleep we can before Baby K comes!

#2: Showing up to an empty beach.

#3: All growing up it was a tradition that all of us Scott siblings would pile onto my parents' bed and my dad would read the birth of Jesus from Luke.  I loved it and wanted to start with our almost family.  So when we got to the beach Jess read from Luke the story of Christ's birth.  It was awesome, one carrying on the tradition and two being reminded of the humility of Christ coming to save us as a child.

#4: Eating acai and drinking lemonade & matte on the beach. I think I had 3 acai and over 5 lemonade & matte.

#5: We met some fellow Americans on the beach and ended up hanging out with them until late in the day.

#6: Beach life in Rio.

#7: Baby K is 27 weeks, I am officially in the 3rd trimester!

#8 The waves and water were awesome today, oh and the sunset.  Amazing.

#9: Skyping with family on Christmas Day.


#100HappyDays: Day 8

December 24, 2014 

#1: Jess went out and bought a fan for our room.  It makes it so much more bearable and was the best Christmas present!

#2: Walk on the beach in the morning with an acai in hand

#3: Listening to and watching the waves.

#4: Apparently everything closes early on Christmas Eve, so we were stuck with nothing to eat.  We ended up finding a bakery that was open and ate some random pastries there.  It wasn't the ideal situation for Christmas Eve dinner but we made the most of it.

#5: Walking home from the bakery we gave a homeless guy a bunch of salgados and I gave him my dessert.  The look on his face was priceless.  He was so in shock and happy, it was definitely a moment I don't want to forget.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

#100HappyDays: Days 5, 6, 7

December 23, 2014 

#1: Walking around the botanical gardens with a cool breeze with no sun.

#2: Stumbling upon a great new Mexican spot, La Calaca in Leblon. Everything was fabulous, from the chips to the churros.

#3: Napping til our hearts desire (3 hours!)

#4: Air conditioners and ice packs that keep me relatively cool.

#5: Getting a text from both of my best friends back in the States  (thanks Amanda and Katie!)

#6: When these cuties show up on my phone


#7: Having time to read a book for pleasure. I can't put this one down, A Voice in the Wind.

#8: Jess and my conversation before bed last night. We laughed, cried (well I did), talked about our hopes and dreams, and just enjoyed each other.

December 22, 2014 

#1: Spending the day on the beach with Jess, my book, and kiwi-pineapple juice (first time trying it and it was almost as good as a Caipi)

#2: Eating acai twice on the beach, I swear it tastes better from the guys in the sungas.

#3: Being so close to Ipanema beach, literally we walk two blocks and are at the beach. 

#4: Some people sat next to us on the beach and started playing Brazilian music.  Everyone around us started dancing and singing along.  

#5: Jess has 10 recipes left for his 52 in 52 cooking challenge so we enjoyed Steak Au Poivre, rosemary potatoes, and garlic & parmesan broccoli.

December 21, 2014 

#1: Our first full day on the beach.  

#2: Skyping with my parents, Katie, and Larry. Little Trey is doing well, but needs to learn how to give mama some sleep!  

#3: Great dinner with new friends 

#4: I ordered a brownie with ice cream for dessert and it was amazing.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

#100HappyDays: Day 4

December 20, 2014 

#1: Traveling with Jess to Rio.  Although we got up at 5:00 AM and had a three hour delay because of rain we still had fun playing games and talking, and most importantly he kept me calm.  It was one of those moments I thought to myself, "I'm so glad he's my husband."

#2: Arriving in Rio, there is something about this city that I love and even though I have never lived here I feel strangely feel at home when I arrive.

3#: Acai and orange juice.

#4: A super duper long nap with Jess.

#5: Sitting with Jess to people watch, chat, and and watch the sunset on Ipanema. I find it endearing how Brazilians clap every sunsets.

#6: A banging Mexican food dinner. We stuffed our faces with chips & dip and fajitas (and lots of jalapeños)

#100HappyDays: Day 3

December 19, 2014 

#1:  Finally busting out my quiet hobby by playing with my new watercolor paints 

#2: A nice long nap, I was out cold to the world.  Doesn't happen often nowadays. 

#3: Driving to Sam's and actually getting us there.  In the car we had a blast from the past with some good old NSNYC Christmas songs.  Also, joining Sam's Club we are now officially old. 

#4: Dinner with some sweet friends that are moving back to Korea 

#5: Listening to the rain and feeling the cool breeze rush into our apartment 

#6: Watching Christmas Vacation with Jess before bed, we were both giggling at all the old parts 

#7: Packing for our 3 weeks in Rio.  I love our packing system...I lay out the clothes I want to bring and Jess magically makes everything fit.  

#8: Getting Christmas cards in the mail.  I love seeing all my friends and family and postering our fridge with their sweet faces.  

Friday, December 19, 2014

#100HappyDays: Day 2

December 18, 2014 

#1: My sweet nephew, Trey Talley, was born at 9:29.  Him and his mama are healthy and doing great.

#2: Eating dinner at Forniero, the best and my favorite restaurant in town.

#3: Getting a close parking spot at the mall (reserved for preggos)

#4: A healthy check up with the doctor, Baby Tae is doing great!

#5: A NAP!

#6: After my nap Jess surprised me with a picnic.  Since it was too hot out we had a picnic inside on our rug with our favorite sushi and white grape juice acting as wine.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

#100HappyDays Day 1

December 17, 2014 

Since it is the first day of summer vacation and we have off for a whole month, I thought what better time to start #100HappyDays. Today is just starting, so I will start with yesterday.

#1: Early morning baking, hey if I'm not going to be able to sleep I might as well be productive. :)

#2: Little notes from students, glad I can make the boring funner. :)

#3: that moment I felt like God was right there with me.

#4: Starting our holiday!

#5: Jess--I was in a little funk of pregnancy hormones and he was so supportive of me.

Mom and Dad's Visit

They arrived (with a boatload of stuff for Tae!)

In November my parents came down for a visit, it was perfect timing as we had two 4-day weekends in a row.  It was a huge culture shock for them (poo pail and all), and we really appreciate them making the effort to come be a part of our lives in Brazil. The original plan was to go to two places, Paraty and Falls Iguazu, but we decided that would be too much travel and we didn't want to spend tons of time flying so we decided to stay around here and go to Paraty.  

Duo, one of the many restaurants we took them too
It was so great to have them here, something about family just grounds me.  I just felt so at peace the whole time they were here.  It's funny too because I almost felt like it was a little role reversal, my whole life they have taken care of me and while they were here we took care of them.  It was a little hard for them to do things on their own because of the language, not knowing where they were, etc., so it was fun to get to return the favor.  
Just hanging out and being silly of course with some decorating and cookies
Paraty was so fun, but I wish the weather would have been better.  We did have lots of laughs--Ben Gazi, PP, eating until we pop, paella, singing Christmas songs, and many more.  We went to some great restaurants (one twice!) and just enjoyed each other's company.  We all managed to navigate the old cobblestone streets with no falls!  
Unfortunately the weather wasn't too great, but that didn't stop us! 
Lunchbreak on the beach

Mom and dad on a boat

Thanksgiving in Paraty with our family here 
We also spent a lot of time around Cambui, our little neighborhood.  On Saturday morning we headed to the market and introduced them to the people we buy from.  Jess concocted a plan with our little mom and pop store for my parents to just say his name if they needed anything we would pay later.  I really love that man, he thinks of the little things that make life easier.  

Saturday morning pastels at the market 

Walking around the park
Over one of the weekend's our dear friends Pierre and Marina had us over for a churhasco (Brazilian BBQ).  It was wonderful, Jess cooked all the delicious meat and we relaxed and enjoyed.  Mom made cute little sugar cookies with onsies and Tae's name so we snacked on those for dessert.  

Dad and Jess grilling up some picanha 
 Thw two weeks went by way too fast!  The next time they will be back is when little Tae makes his appearance.  By then mom will have the whole 10 hour flight thing down pat.  Thanks mom and dad for the fun visit, we already miss you tons!  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

23 and 24 Bump Update

How far along: 24 Weeks (and 6 days) 

Baby Size: An ear of corn...Go Huskers! 

Weight gain: I think around 4 pounds. I am starting to feel a lot bigger. 

Maternity clothes: I can still fit into some regular shirts and pants (barely).  I am now starting the rotation of my 5-6 maternity outfits.

Stretch marks: In addition to my previous ones? Nope. :) 
Sleep: Recently I have been waking up to Tae's kicks.  They don't hurt, just wake me up.  Also, Jess says I am snoring more?
Gender: Tae Tazwell 

Movement: Lots, still little movements, but he is an active little guy.  Last week Jess and I had a spontaneous date to see Mockingjay and grab some dinner.  The whole movie he was kicking around in my belly.  Jess felt him for the first time.  Jess' face was so cute, he was in shock and awe.  

Best moment this week: Jess feeling Tae kick for the first time, visiting our friends in Brasilia and laughing until I cried, and ordering our Christmas cards. I don't know why, but creating them makes me so thankful and happy looking at all the memories we made this year. 

Looking forward to: Christmas break!  Five and a half days of school left. This week we are both slammed with activities, meetings, etc, so it will be nice to unwind in Rio for 3 weeks! 

Food cravings: Salty more than sweet.  I know call me crazy, I am no longer a Scott. 
  Anything making you queasy or sick: No. 
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
Symptoms: Nothing really. 
Nursery: We found out last week we will be moving (hopefully before the little bambino arrives). I don't think I will start until we move in. 
Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On and off.  I can keep them on, but they aren't comfortable. 

Mood: A mix of emotions.  Mainly excited and impatient.  I want this little guy to get here soon, but know he still needs to grow strong. I am also starting to try and savor all the moments Jess and I have just us. 

Prayer for Baby K: 
Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of life. I cannot help but be in awe of the miracle you are growing inside me. I pray that you continue to calm my nerves and thoughts.  I put Tae in your hands and cannot wait to see what you have in store for him.  This week he is beginning to breathe, I pray with every breath he takes he praises you and your creation.  

Thank you for Jess and what an amazing man he is. I thank you for the time it takes for baby Tae to grow strong, which gives us time to plan and treasure as a couple. I am falling more and more in love with Jess each day as I watch him become a daddy. We feel so thankful for a smooth pregnancy thus far. Also, thank you for all the people that already love him so much. 
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.
Pslam 150:6 

Grammy and Poppy took a trip all the way to Brazil

Grow baby Grow! 

This past weekend we took a trip to Perinopolis (outside of Brasilia) and hiked some trails to see some waterfalls.