Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I'm officially the worst blogger, in lieu of a detailed post from the last 3 months of our lives I am photo spamming this blog. This first year in China has been a whirlwind, but we survived!  A quick update: 

Jess killed it in his first year as a Learning Innovation Coach at our school.  He also somehow manages to wake up at 4 AM each day to pursue his passion of helping people become the Highest Versions of Self. He's dropped 15 kilos and is has picked up running.  

Tae is almost done with his first year of school. He had the most amazing teachers and grew so much socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. He is still our sensitive kid and a great big brother. Some of his favorite things are using the potty (Hallelujah!), imaginary play, Kung Fu Panda, baths, getting chocolate muffins on Saturday morning, playground time, and pillow fights. 

Elea is our spunky girl. She is on the go and into everything. She says a few words: mommy, dada, gē ge (big brother), uh oh, jigga (this), buh bye, Dàngāo (cake). She gives kisses on command. Loves to clean up and put things away (shoes and clothes). Has a belly chuckle. And is eating us out of house and home. She loves Tae and does whatever he does, even if that means crying when he is having a meltdown.

I'm closing out the school year with mixed emotions, wanting to continue being in the classroom and improve upon my practices and excitement at the opportunity to be back in admin. I've made some great friends here, we support one another through mommyhood, work life, living away from family, etc. I went on a trip to Dubai as part of an accreditation team and was fascinated by the culture and delighted by the food. I have started working out more regularly, even getting up at 4:45 to run with a girlfriend at 5AM two times a week.

And now, photo overload.
Day dates to Hong Kong  
Potty Trained! May 15, 2018 

Memorial Day 2018

Dumpling Monster

Tae's first school movie night--Jungle Book 

Bath Mohawks

Bath time is the best time 

15 months

Morning time 

1st Finger Painting Session 

Elea wants to go to school like her big bro

Tae's first published piece of writing 
Little Writers 

1st field trip

Water fun at school 
My girls 💗

Elea, playground toy thief 

Waiting for big brother to get out of school 

Life in China.

Tai Chi in the morning 

June 4, 2018 

Broccoli Dance 

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