May 12, 2017
Height: 61.5 centimeters (24.2 inches)
Weight: 6.665 kilos ( 14.7 pounds)
- Whitney Houston and Janet Jackson
- Pooping out of her diaper anytime I put her in brand new clothes
- Tummy time on the activity mat or on our chests
- Smiling. She is quick to give a smile to people, she smiles with her whole body. Her little arms and legs squirm around as she smiles.
- Eating her hand/sucking on her fingers
- Holding onto your shirt or hand when she sleeps
- Still likes...
- sleeping on people or with movement
- Nursing
- Baths! She is so relaxed and smiles the whole time she is in the bath
- Mornings--she smiles and smiles after a fresh diaper and then looks around
- Bouncing and rocking on the exercise ball (just like her big bro)
- Got her first cold, so she coughed during the night. The saddest sound.
- Still...
- sleeps like a rockstar
- loves to be held while she sleeps
- falls asleep when I wear her in the Ergo. We go on walks a few times a day and she's out like a light.
- Pretty much sleeps through the night (7ish-7ish), only to wake up for feedings
- Sleeps in her crib at night and in people's arms during her naps
- Nurses every three hours, sometimes a little later or earlier.
- She continues to gain lots of weight--at her 3 month appointment she was 1/2 of Tae's weight at 25 months
- Continues to be a speed eater, only about 5 minutes per nursing session
- "Dreamfeeds" during the night...not super consistent. Sometimes she goes 6 hours without nursing and others only 3.
- She loved Ipanema, she would move her little toes around in the sand.
- Watching her figure out sitting up. I hold her hands and she moves around like a weeble wobble.
- Watching Tae and Jess with her. She has them wrapped around her little finger.
- Cold. Boo--Tae and I had a pretty bad one, and of course she got it.
- Trip to Rio
- Time on an airplane--she did okay. She was fussy, but I think it's because she was congested
Elea is teaching me to savor every moment. I know that her time as a little baby will pass quickly. I'm so thankful for my time at home with her and Tae and am really soaking it all in. From the big smile she flashes when I unzip her PJs, to her coos while we play, and even the cries of frustration or tiredness. I love to give her baths because she is just so happy and calm, she passes it onto me. The other day I was just staring at every little feature of hers and how perfect she is. She truly is wonderfully and fearfully made by God.
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