Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I'm so behind on blogging. After a week home, immediately followed by a week for work in the Dominican, my online class, and work I feel a bit like a plate spinner at the circus. All that being said I am being lame and just doing a photo recap.

On our way home...

Happy to be at Grammy and Poppy's

Playing with Poppy's old flight helmet 

Fun with Grammy 


Not too into the arts, but mom is making it happen. 
I love being messy though

The chase begins.
Poor bug never stood a chance. 
Got it mom! 
Right after he caught and smashed the bug

Hanging with Poppy 

Go Big Red! 
Pondering life
Looking up at the fan doing the Korean squat.
Greenville Zoo with Grammy and Poppy 

Snuggles for Poppy 

We're going to miss Grammy and Poppy 

Watching some TV with dad

Hanging out with baby Jack
Our time home was amazing and short. We spent lots of time hanging out and enjoying being home with Grammy and Poppy.  Tae's favorite things were chasing ants, eating Mexican, climbing the stairs, walking up and down the driveway hill, and walking around like he owned the place.  Thanks mom and dad for a great time and we will see you soon! 

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