Wednesday, April 13, 2016


We've been in Brazil almost 4 years and I just realized I haven't really posted pictures of our 'hood. I always blogged about places in China because everything was different and I was in a constant state of culture shock. Living in Brazil is much easier, we have all the things we had in the States, just with some Brazilian flare. We can read all the signs, stores sell mostly the same things, food is not completely different, and there are similar traffic laws (although no one obeys them).  We took a stroll around Cambui last weekend and took some pictures of our stomping grounds.

Our old apartment building. Ours is the 5th one up on the right. 
Our first apartment in Brazil was awesome, we loved it and the neighborhood it is in.  We still live in the general area, but it was in a different part of the city. Each Saturday we walked to Massa Pura to get breakfast. We started pilates at the studio across the street from us.  We bought our groceries at Fruteria, a mom-and-pop store (actually we still walk there because we love it so much).

Our pilates studio 

Our weekly Saturday morning joint 


Our little Brazilian fitting right in
Our grocery story 
All the streets are cobblestone 

Right before having Tae we moved into a larger apartment, in the more central part of the city.  With the location change our weekly breakfast place changed to Riviera. We go on lots of family walks and Keila always takes Tae on walks, so everyone in the 'hood knows Tae.  The waiters and cashier at Riviera all greet him by name.  The other day he was in the stroller on our way to the pool and a random maid I had never seen before said, "Oi Tae." I was caught off guard and then she explained she sees him on walks with Keila.  Another Tae fan is a worker at the gas station right by our place.  Anytime we walk by with Tae he stops what he is doing and runs over to greet Tae.  If he doesn't Tae pops his little head out of the stroller as if to say, hey why aren't you looking for me!

Our new breakfast 

Our current street 

The Shell station where Tae is famous 

Our apartment building 

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Ready for the pool 
We feel so fortunate to live in our apartment and our neighborhood.  Brazilians absolutely adore children, ur neighbors are so nice and always gush over Tae.  He plays with the other kids in the building and if I happen to be in the elevator without him someone always asks how he is doing.  That boy is loved by everyone in our building.

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