10 Months
January 19, 2015
Height: 30 inches
Weight: 19 pounds 4 ounces (lost some weight since last month)
- Music
- Playing "Where's Tae?"
- Putting his hands up in the air and then clapping for himself
- Crawling all around the house
- Pulling up on anything he can
- The beach
- The park
- Being outside
- Planes Go, On My Beach, and any flip books
- "Talking"
- Giving kisses
- Fake laughing
- Napping during the day
- Falling
- Not getting his way
- Being held by other people (not mom, dad, or Keila)
- When we leave for work (but I'm sure he gets over it quickly because Keila is amazing)
- Understanding more--both Portuguese and English
- First scar
- Crawling full force
- Gives kisses
- We got off track on this, I think because of all the traveling. I ended up holding him and letting him sleep with us (which I loved). When we returned from all our trips we started to sleep train. So far he has done really well, it wasn't easy but we stuck with it and were firm. I hope he/we continue.
- Loves pasta, bread, and fruit (kiwi, mango, papaya, and bananas).
- Stole mama's croissant of my plate and started double fisting it (Thatta boy)
- Eats any and everything
- Started spitting food out as a sign he is done
Favorite Moments:
- His first Christmas! We didn't go all out and by that I mean we didn't even buy him presents, but it was fun anyways.
- Seeing his face while he experiences new things: the beach, turtles, crawling, music class,and pulling up on things.
- Walking in the door from work and having him light up, clap, smile, and crawl to us will never get old.
Action Shots:
Mommy's Thoughts:
I can't believe God gave us this little guy. He fills our hearts with so much joy, laughter, and love. This month in particular it has been so fun to watch him learn how to crawl. He started out with a little lucky fin, but now we cruises all around the house. He definitely keeps us on our toes, just when we think we have him figured out he changes it up a bit. We don't mind, as long as he is healthy and developing. Thank you Lord for Tae and our little family. We praise you for the happiness and joy he brings to our lives. I thank you for the daily reminder of who you are through Tae. He challenges us to give grace, have patience, and forgive, just like you do with us. He also shines with your joy, that is something I hope he never stops doing. I pray that Your words are imprinted on his heart and that he chases after you with all of his heart, mind, and soul. Thank you for growing us through him.
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