9 Months
December 19, 2015
Height: 29 inches
Weight: 19 pounds 8 ounces

- Clapping himself--he also likes when others clap for him when he does something such as eating or crawling
- The beach. Jumping waves, playing in the sand, eating sand, splashing in the water.
- Being mobile, although don't tell him he isn't the best crawler. He does this funky one legged crawl, but it gets him places.
- Pulling up on things
- Getting tickled
- Mirrors
- The park.
- Going down the slide by himself.
- Dropping things from his high chair.
- Babbles and makes this haha sound.
- Music--he will dance and laugh. We went to a churrasco and there was a live band, he was fascinated, he wouldn't take his eyes off the musicians.
- Not getting what he wants.
- Getting his face washed after he eats.
- Getting his diaper changed (sometimes--this isn't consistent)
- Crawls-the cutest little one legged crawl I've ever seen. He call it his lucky fin.
- Claps (not always on demand)
- Babbles...babababa (see last video)
- Pulls up on things
- Pretty stellar night sleeper, normally sleeps through the night with the occasional wake up. He's pretty good at putting himself back to sleep.
- Lately he is exhausted by 7, so he falls asleep while nursing.
- Napping is getting better, normally twice a day ranging from an hour to two hours each nap.
- Loves to sleep in bed between us and I like it too!
- Got the all clear to eat whatever we eat (okay maybe not fried things and such, but basically the same stuff)
- Loves all fruit but particularly guavas, pineapples, and kiwis.
- Nurses in the morning and before bed and has one bottle in the afternoon.
- Ate a meat sfeeha on Ipanema, he loved it.
- He will feed himself when we put chunks of fruit on his tray.
- Going down the slide by himself on his tummy
- Meeting Santa, I can't wait to start more traditions in the years to come
- Hanging on Ipanema
- Playing with friends and Uncle Steve at the Christmas brunch we hosted
- Trip to Campos do Jardao
- Playing with spaghetti
Pics to Remember:
Action Shots:
Starting to crawl
Down the slide
Babababa with Daddy
Mommy's Thoughts:
This month he has grown so much, literally weight and all. We had a little hiccup at the doctors at his 8 month appointment because he lost weight. Man, there's nothing worse than when something isn't right with your child and you feel like you are the one to blame. For the next two week's we stuffed him full of anything he could eat, and he gained almost two pounds. He's also learning so much. We have a crawler on our hands, but thankfully he isn't super speedy...yet. Honestly I think he won't crawl for long and may just start walking. He pulls himself up on everything and does the downward dog all the time. Slow down kid! It has been so fun to watch him grow and discover more of his world. This morning he was sleeping and I just couldn't help but stare and take it all in. His little nose, mouth, and not so little cheeks. I never want to forget his sweet face at this age. I feel so humbled that God entrusted this little boy to us and I pray that we teach him how to love Jesus with all his heart. He already has such a love for life, we constantly get stopped while on walks around town at how happy he is. It is my daily prayer that his joy for Jesus is just as radiant as it is now.
Tae--you are so fun to be around. You constantly laugh and give us a loud ha when you do something you like or think is funny. You are growing so fast and quickly learning how to navigate your surroundings. You absolutely loved the beach. One time while you were playing in your little pool you wanted to reach for the sand, you reached a little to far and splat fell right on your face and gulped up a big mouthful of sand. You didn't cry at all, just kept smiling. I pray that you keep reaching further than you can go and if you do fail that you have a good attitude and figure out what to change next time. We love you little man. Thank you for showing us true joy and happiness.
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