Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Beach, Date Nights, and Vommitting

The weeks are flying by around here.  Seriously, how is my baby about to be 6 months old?  I know I say it all the time, but TIME SLOW DOWN.

Two weekends ago we went to the beach with a bunch of teachers. I was a little anxious at how it would go, a house full of singles, couples, and families, but all in all it went amazingly.  It was great to get to know the new teachers (they are fabulous by the way) and it was nice to get away for a little.  

Tae must have not felt the same about our little weekend escapade because he screamed for about 2 hours of the ride.  Which is really abnormal, normally he loves the car.  He did however tucker himself out so he went to bed and slept pretty well that night.  The next morning he got up earlier than the rest of the house so we took a walk to the beach. 

He loved it.  The sand was hard and damp, but that didn't stop him.  He jumped/squatted with so much enthusiasm and a big old smile on his face. He also ate a huge handful of it. Unfortunately the weather wasn't great, a bit cold and tons of wind, so beach time was limited.

Jess and I did get away for a date night on his birthday.  It was so nice to have a night to ourselves.  I love that man with all my heart. I need to do a better job of being a wife first, rather than a mom first.  We got back from the beach and hit the ground running for the work week.  Oh did I mention I decided it would be smart to take an online class that started that Monday?  I am loving it so far, but hello time management.  

We are still in the process of introducing foods.  The boy loved sweet potatoes.  I made a mommy mistake yesterday when I fed him.  I nursed him first and then gave him avocados, and I think I gave him way too much.  We got a call from Keila that he was vomitting all over the place, in the morning.  Poor little boy it was so pathetic.  He didn't know what was happening.  We took him to the doctor and he got a shot and then he seemed fine.  He was a bit dehydrated, but I think he is on the mend.  

This past weekend we went to a little Dutch town about 30 minutes away for the flower festival.  It was fun to take Tae and he loved it, obviously from the picture below. 

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