Friday, April 24, 2015


Tae is loving baths in the morning.  Mama got smart and gave him a bath after he ate and he was so content. 

He's loving being worn, I'm praying this continues for our trip home 

We are taking naps anywhere and any time we can. 

Lots of deep thinking going on, especially after a good meal.  
Smiles galore 

Hanging out with daddy after work 
Falling asleep on mama after he eats.

Learning how to grasp things (and melt mama's heart)

Keeping us on our toes with all his cute faces.

We've been laughing the days away

I also wanted to add that we are cherishing our time together as our little family of three.  I leave for the States on Tuesday and won't see Jess again until June.  Some people think we are crazy being apart for so long with a newborn, but it is what is best for our family.  I will have my parents helping and will get to spend some quality time with family and friends while Jess finishes out the school year, both as a teacher and a student.  The other night Jess and I hung out after Tae was in bed and it was the most I've laughed in a long time.  I felt like a kid again with butterflies in my stomach and laughing until I cried.  I sure love that husband of mine.  He makes me laugh and is so easy to talk to, it's so fun being married to my best friend.

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