We spent Christmas Eve with our good friends, the Herreras. Their daughters were in town and they welcomed us in with open arms. We helped prepare their traditional tamales on Christmas Eve morning. It's so fun to experience other people's traditions, this is one we might have to pick up.
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After making the tamales we stayed for an impromptu lunch. Tae absolutely loves Steve, and I think it's safe to say the feeling is mutual. Tae made himself at home and crawled all around (but not too close to the tree), he even "played the piano" with Steve.
We returned for dinner that evening. Before coming I was in a funk because I couldn't find anything Christmasy to wear that I liked and I didn't sweat in. I still haven't completely gotten used to Christmas in summer. After turning our closet into a tornado we made it to the Herreras and I instantly felt at home. Bridget even went as far as emailing my mom for a recipe of my favorite Christmas cookies.

When the rest of the group arrived we played Candy Share, named after Bridget's sister and her brilliant idea. We all brought a gift that represented us and they were put into the middle with numbers on them. Then we all drew numbers and got the corresponding present. Before opening the present the giver had to explain why it represented them. It was such a fun game, I will definitely introduce it at future parties. For my gift I gave an adult coloring book and colored pencils, the reasoning was because I always remember crafting with my mom. Most of the fun memories I have of my mom and me revolve around something creative.
Tae was a big ham and loved hanging out. He also was spoiled by everyone. He got presents, a stocking, and lots of cuddles. Seriously, our friends are pretty great. They treat him as their own and I am so incredibly thankful for that.
We enjoyed an amazingly delicious dinner and then unfortunately had to head out early because our little guy didn't want to sleep. We did wake up Christmas morning and play with all his toys. I say we because I liked his toys just as much as he did.
Christmas was really low key, with a walk around the neighborhood, reading the Christmas story in Luke, eggs Benedict cooked by Jess, some naps taken by all, and just enjoying family time.