Weeks 20-22
How far along: 22 weeks 3 days
Baby Size: The baby is a size of a papaya (10 inches long, almost a pound)!
Weight gain: Still negative from the start date, but I have a feeling that won't last very much longer. :)
Maternity clothes: They are more comfortable than my normal clothes, but I am still mixing and matching. Thank God for belly bands.
Stretch marks: In addition to my previous ones? Nope.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty regularly. A couple nights I have woken up with a pain in my hip, I think it is from sleeping on my side. I am also loving my body pillow.
Gender: Tae Tazwell
Movement: Yes! It is so crazy. At first I had no clue what it was, then I realized it was him. I caught it on video of a little kick and sent it to Jess while he was in Rio. Jess also got to feel it the other night while we were watching some TV.
Best moment this week: My parents arrived in Brazil on Wednesday. It has been so great to hang out with them and show them our world her in Brazil. They also brought tons of stuff for Tae, it is making this whole thing much more real. Mom and I spent yesterday afternoon decorating for Christmas. I know it is super early, but it was fun to decorate with her and when it is almost 100 degrees out it takes a little more to get into the Christmas spirit.
Looking forward to: Paraty! On Wednesday we are headed to a little beach town, Paraty. It should be really fun and a nice getaway.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. I am feeling full very easily now, which means I eat little portions throughout the day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, not anymore.
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
Symptoms: Nothing really.
Nursery: Now that we decided we will be staying in Brazil for a couple more years I have put more thought into it. I'm thinking of using wasbi tape to create a pattern on the wall and I'm loving these prints from Etsy.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On and only swelling is when it is hot (which is always).
Mood: Excited. For some reason it all just hit me in two moments, the 3D ultrasound and when my parents came down for their visit with all his loot.
Prayer for Baby K:
Dear Lord, I pray that you continue to protect and help Baby K grow healthy and strong. It was amazing to see his little face and know that you created him perfectly. I pray that Jess and I can guide him in your way and instill confidence in you from an early age. As you form his eyes and lips I pray that he sees your creation with wonder and awe and that he speaks your truth with boldness and humility.
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
- 1 John 3: 18

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