Today marks a year since I've been Mrs. K. It's kind of surreal that we have been married for a year, at times I feel like it has been way longer and other times I can't believe it has already been a year. One thing is for sure, we have grown leaps and bounds in our first year of marriage. Of course we still have a ways to go, and we both strive to always grow in our marriage, but we made it a year!

I think it's so amazing because we have learned a lot about each other, ourselves, marriage, and God this year. Lord knows we have had the opportunities for growth with moving and living in the same apartment for the first time in a foreign country and starting new jobs! Jess has taught me to be less selfish, desire growth in our relationship, to enjoy the rocky moments in our lives, and to be thankful for the lives we live.

I know it sounds cliche, but I have fallen more in love with Jess this past year. I love him because he puts me first and takes care of me. He cooks dinner every night and keeps track our our finances. He encourages me when I need it or comforts me when I want to feel sorry for myself. He plans fun ways to celebrate little events in our relationship. He challenges me to get in shape and eat healthy (I don't always appreciate this). He shares what he is learning in his quiet time. He communicates with me and makes sure I feel secure in our relationship. He loves hard and puts his heart out there for me.

Dear Jess,
Although we aren't together to mark our year of marriage I still wanted to express my happiness to you. Thank you for loving me even when I am not the easiest to love. Thank you for making me laugh when all I want to do is cry. Your ability to love me and others astounds me each and every day. You walk the walk and I am so grateful to have you lead me. We've had some great talks this year that solidified how important our relationship is to you. Thank you for that, thank you for building up my confidence in us.
When I look at you I am happy, that deep sense of happiness that doesn't come very often in life. You are the man God intended for me to be with, for better or for worse. I can't imagine doing life with anyone else. I love traveling with you and exploring this beautiful world together. You open my eyes to things I otherwise wouldn't have noticed. I love you because you and I together are incredible. You bring out the best in me. This past year has been a year I will never forget. We have worked through lots of issues, laughed for hours, encouraged one another, and have started to figure out this thing they call marriage. We've experienced a lot of things this first year of marriage and I can't wait to do life together until til do us part.
While I can't be with you today, please know that I am thinking of you and missing you deeply. I am so happy you get to spend time with your family and friends and can't wait until the end of the month when I get to hug and kiss you! Enjoy our day by going to Chick-Fil-A for me :)
Olive Juice,
Some Memories From Our First Year
(Top to Bottom and Left to Right): NYC for Brandon and Steph's wedding, heading to Brazil, Carnival in Rio, bus rides to school (not for too long), Charascurias at the Ancelet's, Hollywood Teacher party, monthly dates for our anniversary, Campos de Jordan, Bahia, Sao Paulo for dinner, making our house into a home, first Christmas as a married couple, Buenos Aires to present at AASSA, Katie and Jarrett's wedding in ATL, Salvador, Ilhabela, lunch at Antiqua, lots of dinner parties, NYE in Denver, surviving our first year at EAC, and samba at Tanico's.
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