Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Being Intentional

God has been teaching me a lot about being intentional in my living.  I am currently reading Kisses from Katie, an amazing book written by a twenty something year old about the journey God is taking her on in Uganda.  Throughout the book I can feel her passion, intensity, and love for God and doing what he wants her to in her life.  She lives each moment purposefully and intentionally, something I struggle so much with.  I often just go through the motions of my daily life, not realizing that I can truly impact people for eternity and that God has me in this exact moment for a reason.  It is humbling, if you think about it...the God of the universe loves me so much that He has chosen a place for me in His big plan. 

It is not a coincidence that I have each one of my 19 students in my class this year. 
It is not a coincidence that I am living in Brazil. 
The people I am meeting here are not coincidences.  
It is not a coincidence that our shipment is taking FOREVER to get here. 
It is not a coincidence that I woke up this morning.  

I am challenging myself to be more intentional in my life.  I want to seek God in everything I do, not just my quiet time, worship, and church time.  I want to see Him in the little things daily.  Like noticing the vibrant purple flowers on my run the other day.  Or laughing when a student asks a question about the directions I just gave.  While it is hard to be intentional, I feel it is honoring God and to try is one of the best ways I can show Him my love.

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