Monday, November 12, 2012

November Goals

Being it is almost halfway through November I decided I would start to keep myself accountable by making a list of goals to accomplish this month.  It's crazy because even though we live in a beautiful country I rarely get out to explore in my day to day life because I tell myself I'm too busy.  Well I don't want to make any excuses.  There are lots of things I want/need to get done this month before heading home for a month in December!!! Here it goes...

1. 2. Order Christmas/Thank You Cards.

2. 1. Take photo for Christmas/Thank You Cards. 

3. Make mom and dad's and Jess's parents Christmas presents.  Let's just say they will be wedding's not every year we can use this to our advantage!

4. Do some DIY projects around the house...I've been collecting bottles since we got here.  I think any of these via Pinterest would be appropriate and doable.

5. Pray for Jess each day.

6. Exercise at least 4 times a week.

7. Plan a critical literacy/digital literacy unit for my students.  Might as well put these Master courses to work.

8. Do one random act of kindness a day and keep track of them.

Source: via Beth on Pinterest

9. Take more walks, with Jess. 

10.  Drink more water and less Caipirinhas

11. Study Portuguese more and practice daily with students/locals.

12. Take more pictures.

13. Start Jess's Christmas present.  We are making each other something this year.

14. Be a better Betty I didn't realize how hard this would be.

15. Start a Bible study.

16. Wash my face every night...hey I'm just keeping it real. 

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