Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day


Thank you for teaching me responsibility, even if it meant I would get in trouble because you didn't bring me my homework at school.  It was worth missing recess.

Thank you for being creative and always doing fun crafts with me when I was little.  Sorry for the messes I made and drawing on the walls of the stairwell.

Thank you for listening to me when I was upset over sports, friends, school, or anything else that mattered to me.  Because it mattered to me you made it important to you.

Thank you for being a godly example to me from the time I was little until now.  I took your example for granted and at times did understand why you weren't like other moms.  Now I know...your life is much bigger than caring what others think.  You live for pleasing God and I'm proud that you are my mom.

Thank you for always opening our home to my friends.  They always loved your baking, cooking, and thoughtful signs.  Some of my best memories were at 3304 Bywater Court because you took the time to be the best hostess.

Thank you for supporting me in my dreams of seeing the world, though it hurts you that I am not close.  Your ability to be happy for me even though I know you want me in the States is amazing.

Thank you for disciplining me and being stricter than my friends' parents when I was younger.  At the time I didn't appreciate it but I do now more than ever.  I'm sorry for ever doubting you and dad.

Thank you for instilling confidence in me.  I never have to wonder if you love me and believe in me.  You tell me all the time how proud you are of me.

Thank you for showing me loyalty.  You and dad showed me that it is friends and your witness to them that matter in life, not money, things, or anything else trivial.

Thank you for teaching me how to compete.  Whether it was the Froggers Family Competition, boardgames, diboo-daboo, cooking, or whatever you always have a will to win.

Thank you for faithfully praying for me.  You continually shower me with prayers and I am so thankful for that.  I am convinced your prayers have saved me from some bad situations.

I could go on and on, but mostly thank you for being you.  You are the most amazing woman I know.  Your love for your family goes on forever.  You have blessed us more than I can put into words.  I love you and thank God for giving me such a smart, loving, patient, fun, creative, faithful, and thoughtful mother and friend!

Love always,


Katie said...

Ditto, Meggo! She's pretty much amazing! Glad God gave me her as a mom and not anyone else! Great post! Love and miss you!

Mike, Lauren & Lily Peterson said...

Megs, you're great! so is your Momma!! Miss you!!!