Three weeks from today (well technically yesterday) I will be boarding a plane and on my way to Dalian. I am so excited, it is really starting to hit me now. I will be busy from now until when I leave. I still have a couple things to do in order to be completely ready. I ordered some luggage from L.L. Bean that should be here soon. I am hoping to pack well and only bring the two big bags and another on the plane. If I get there and realize I don't have everything I am sure my loving parents will ship me the things I need. I am making a trip up to DC to bring my final paperwork to the Embassy. After that it is official!
It is finally hitting me that I will be leaving a place so familiar and going to a new and opposite culture. There will be many things I will miss about America and even South Carolina, but I am excited to see the world through another culture. I am sure it will lead me to appreciate our country even more, but also will stretch me in so many ways.
Today I was getting so excited as I started to plan for the school year. I found some books I am going to get for read alouds. I am making plans with my teacher friends here to do projects with their students. I am excited to get to teach students that are highly motivated. I also was looking at the travel site that Asia uses and it is so cheap to go to different places such as Sydney, Hong Kong, etc. I will definitely be traveling. Amanda also called last night and told me she is going to come visit!!! That's it for today, just wanted to say hi.
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