Still standing in danegrgous places (ie high chair and bath)
Playing with Tae
Bathtime, she gets so mad when we take her out
Her walker, she cruises around like a drunk driver
Drinking choking on bath water (yet she keeps doing it)
Not getting her way (we're in for it!)
Back on schedule after the jetlag both ways
Takes 2-3 naps a day
Wants to feed herself all the time
Really good at picking up pieces of food
Loves bread, crackers, and still loves bananas, oranges, apples, steak, and rice
Favorite Moments:
Watching her little mind work when she plays.
Had RSV while we were back in the US
Mommy Thoughts:
This month flew by and I feel like Elea has taken off in learning and development. She is pointing, clapping, babbling, cruising along furniture, standing up, and feeding herself (messily). She is a force and she loves her big brother. Anything he does she laughs her head off. I love being her mama and watching her grow, Tae and her relationship develop, and wrap her dada around her finger. We love you Elea!
It had been 5 years since I was home for the holidays, and it did not disappoint one bit. Through a series of events we decided to play it safe and not go to Bali and purchased 4 last minute flights (cha-ching) to go to South Carolina for Christmas. It was a long trip, but the kiddos did great. It wasn't until we got in the car to go to Grammy and Poppy's that there were epic meltdowns. But it was nothing a stop at Chick-Fil-A couldn't fix.
We enjoyed spending time with family, relaxing, eating our hearts out, and special US treats like Tae's first time to the movies, Chai lattes, Target runs, and BBQ. Tae loved playing with his cousins, baking (and eating) treats, making (and eating) homemade ice cream, the Christmas tree, and throwing dance parties in Poppy's closet. Elea learned how to crawl upstairs, cruised around the house looking for things to break, and got RSV.
Overall we are thankful for a safe and fun trip home. We are getting reacclimatized to China, our times back to normal, and back on schedule for school to start next week.