Tuesday, November 28, 2017


November 12, 2017 

 Height: ?? inches
Weight:?? pounds

  • Pulling up on all the things 
  • Standing in her high chair (hello heart attack!) 
  • Babbling 
  • Laughing at Tae's antics 
  • Amei 
  • Food, homegirl can eat!  
  • Standing up in the bathtub (again...heart attack) 
  • Shoes 

  • When Tae takes things from her 
  • Facing inward when you hold her 
  • Not getting her food (or anyone else's for that matter) 

  • Is able to self-sooth (most of the time) 
  • Takes a longer nap in the morning 
  • Bedtime around 7 and sleeps until 6ish (although the past few weeks she's been waking up around 2 for a bottle...maybe it's the 4 top teeth coming in) 

  • Eats any and everything 
  • Loves eating whatever Tae is eating 
  • Can chew most food
  • Holds her own bottle 
  • Adores clementines, bananas, and grapes 
  • Likes to "drink" out of a cup 

Favorite Moments: 
  • Her little personality is forming right in front of our eyes.  I love each day watching her crawl on a mission or try to figure out something new.  
  • Our first family of 4 Halloween costumes, little Miss didn't like being a panda 
  • A day in HK with her, it felt so good to reconnect and just be us

  • Doctor visit in Hong Kong 
  • Upper teeth breaking through 
  • Using the walker
  • Eating lots of food (can't even remember the kinds) 
  • Down a slide 

Mommy Thoughts: 
We have the sweetest, happiest, and most determined little girl.  She lights up a room with her gummy smile and infectious little laughing sigh.  Tae and her are getting closer and closer, she loves to play with him on his bed before night and laughs hysterically when he slides down the bath. She is growing way too fast, I feel a perpetual inner battle of wanting her to stay little and excitement for her growth and development. 

She already shows her feistiness and I hope that stays with her. My prayer for her is to be a strong woman with a servant's heart and grace filled. I find myself being much more careful in my actions, words, and tone because I am her role model. I want her to know she can accomplish anything she wants with Jesus in her heart, but to balance it with building strong relationships with other women who will lift her up. 

Elea is such a joy to everyone in our family. It is so fun to watch Jess melt when he looks at her, Tae crack up with her at something they both find funny, Elea's eyes light up when Amei arrives in the morning. Thank you Lord for blessing us with Elea and I pray we guide her to your love, peace, and grace. 

Monday, November 27, 2017


One of my favorite traditions is ordering Christmas cards. My mom gifted all of us a book of all the Scott Christmas cards and letters and I cherish it so much. It is hilarious to see our evolution as a family and fun to read back and remember all the highlights of each year. I ordered our Christmas cards and can't wait to see them in person. 

2012 // 2013 // 2014 // 2015// 2016 

Sunday, November 5, 2017


We are finding our new normal with life in China.  We are still trying to balance learning all new systems and curriculum at work with raising two littles at home. We have met lots of younger families and love getting the kiddos all together.   Jess is busy collaborating with all the grades, publishing his book, and working on his business.  I'm busy grading, planning, and learning everything for third grade. Also, I've tried to get back into lettering and have met with some ladies for a Bible study on Tuesday nights. I took Elea into Hong Kong to get her 6 month vaccinations (almost 3 months late!) and felt super successful for getting there and back all alone. 

Superman wasn't done after Halloween, he loves wearing his cape and mask around the house. 

Elea trying out her first pair of shoes, courtesy of Tia Jen
Elea is growing and developing so fast.  She is pulling up on everything and showing her determination and will more and more. Tae love Elea, but doesn't always love that she gets picked up and held by mama. She is quick to "tackle" Tae and can put up with his roughhousing pretty well.  She definitely holds her own.  When she falls down Tae is quick to say, "Elea's tough."


And the fun has stopped

Pulling up on all the things
Tae found a new play area and quickly taught Elea

Who is Superman without a Wonder Woman.

How can I get to that camera and pull it down?
Here I come...
Speaking of growing, where did my little boy go?  He is so independent and amazes me every day with all the little things he remembers and can do.  He LOVES school (he actually cries on the weekends because he doesn't get to go!). He is so tenderhearted and thoughtful, especially to Elea. He is getting really good at sharing/taking turns. He says hello to everyone walking on the streets and tugs at my heart every night when he says his prayers. Some of his favorite things nowadays are Jonas, feeding the fish, reading his Sesame Street book, getting glow in the dark for using the potty (only 4 so far!), building with blocks, and riding his scooter.

"Washing" his own hair 

His class at Halloween, his teacher is so great at sending out pictures 

Go, go, go...

At school they had a bunch of Halloween activities to do after the parade

Playing at school