Monday, October 30, 2017


Halloween, just like all holidays, is better with kids. We decided to do a family costume, and what's better than a family of pandas?  Tae loved his costume, he would wear it around the house and dance in it.  Elea, on the other hand, hated it.  She didn't mind the actual suit, but hated the hood.

For the SIS Halloween parade Tae decided (read melted down) to wear his Superman costume. Thankfully I dressed him in the clothes to go with it and next thing we knew he was ready to go in true Clark Kent style. The funny thing was he was Superman and his best friend, Jonas, was Batman. Nothing is cuter than a bunch of toddlers dressed up and walking around. 

My grade level went as trophies, and we won the costume contest.  Note to self, do not paint your whole body in oil based gold paint, it will take forever to get off.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


After vacation and staying in the pool for hours at a time Tae realized his hands get wrinkly.  Now ever he goes in the bath or washes his hands he comes out and says in the cutest voice, "My hands wrinkly!"

One time he burped and I told him he needed to say excuse me.  Now he loves to fake burp and shouts, "Cuse Me!"

Right in front of our apartment complex is a boardwalk on the water. Tae's new favorite thing is to go and feed the fish, or as he calls them the "baby sharks".

We ride the school bus into school and each day he walks on all by himself and tells everyone "Zǎoshang hǎo" (good morning in Chinese). We have a Brazilian teacher and today he sat behind her.  They had a little conversation in Portuguese.  Then as we were leaving he turned around to say goodbye to his friend, then said "Tchau", and proceeded to walk up to the bus driver and tell him, "Xie xie" (thank you in Chinese).  All of this in a matter of 20 seconds.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


8 Months 
October 12, 2017 

Weight:  ???
Height:  ???

      Pulling up on the couch, tables, etc 
      Eating (especially stuff big brother eats) 
      Daddy and Tae 
      Laughing at Tae

       Tae taking a toy from her
       Not getting what Tae is eating
       Sand on the beach

      Longer naps in the morning
      Sleeps in a sleep suit
      Wakes up smiling and happy each morning

      Vegetables, fruit, blended rice and name it she will eat it
      Watches Tae eat and then bangs her hand on the table until she gets to try his food
       Picked up food with her hand, but didn't quite make it to the mouth


     Trip to Thailand
     Crawl on the beach
     Time on a ferry boat


Favorite Moments:
 I say it every month, but my favorite moments are when Tae and Elea play together. Right now it consists of her following him around, or him teaching her to climb up the bathroom stool. Whatever it is, I love their little laughs.  

Also, it was fun to see her on the beach.  She wasn't a huge fan, but I have a feeling that might change.  She loves water, whether it is the pool or the bath, so the beach has to come next, right? 

Another sweet moment I love is when she "talks" to me.  She babbles and has the sweetest little coo in the world.  She laughs and gets all excited and waves her little arms all around. 

Mommy's Thoughts:  
With all the craziness going on in the world I pray for my children's future daily. I pray the Lord protects her from men that will devalue her, I pray she knows she is created perfectly and that God loves her just the way she is, I pray she finds her value in Christ and not in other people's opinions of her. I pray she is strong, but balances that with a humble spirt, but mostly strong because unfortunately I feel you have to be strong to face this world as a woman. Baby girl you are amazing, and you can do anything you put your mind to. God has plans for you and I pray you walk in them and conquer them with Him by your side.  We love you.