Tuesday, April 18, 2017


For Easter we headed to the beach and it did not disappoint.  Tae loved it even more (if that was possible!) than he did the last time we went.  He couldn't contain his excitement, running in every which way with a permanent smile on his face.  He discovered the joy of throwing sand, jumping waves, running with the sand between his toes, and laying belly first as the waves washed him to shore. 

Elea on the other hand, just napped and hung out under the umbrella. We can't tell yet if she is a beach bum like her brother, but I have a feeling it's in the blood.

We were lucky enough to get to have Keila, Ana, and Lolo with us again.  Tae absolutely adores the girls, he follows them around like a little duckling. He went to bed and woke up asking for "AnaLolo" (as in one word). The girls are so sweet with him, it's like they are his big sisters.

One thing I love about the Brazilian beach culture is the food. Tae has learned early that there is nothing better than yummy food with the sun shining on you.  He actually recognizes the cheese guy and calls them over. He ate mouthfuls of cheese and still had room for pastels.

We will miss the Brazilian beaches when we leave.  There is something special about the vibe, it is unlike any other beaches. I will miss the people watching, live music, food and drinks, mountain views along the shores, and the pure happiness of enjoying it with my loves.  

Thursday, April 13, 2017


2 MONTHs  
April 12, 2017 

 Height:  centimeters ( inches) 
Weight:  kilos ( pounds)

  • Still likes sleeping on people or with movement  
  • Tummy time laying on our chests  
  • Nursing 
  • Baths!  She is so relaxed and smiles the whole time she is in the bath 
  • Mornings--she smiles and smiles after a fresh diaper and then looks around 
  • Bouncing and rocking on the exercise ball (just like her big bro)
  • Staring at the fan 
  • Her activity mat--she scoots herself up on the mat over time 

  • Her witching hour is around 7-9, not the whole time but somewhere in there--she gives herself gas and then has to burp, making her very pissed off. 
  • Having shirts/dresses over her head 

The Jury's Out: 
  • Pacifiers--she takes them from Keila, but I haven't gotten her to take one yet

  • Is getting quieter at night, doesn't grunt as much
  • Still...
  • sleeps like a rockstar, especially in the day 
  • loves to be held while she sleeps 
  • falls asleep when I wear her in the Ergo. We go on walks a few times a day and she's out like a light. 
  • Pretty much sleeps through the night (9ish-9ish), only to wake up for feedings 
  • Sleeps in her crib at night and in people's arms during her naps 

  • Getting more on a schedule, nurses around every 3 hours 
  • Is gaining weight like a champ
  • Nurses very fast, only about 5-6 minutes 

Favorite Moments: 
  • Her smiling and cooing more 
  • Our mama and me time, most mornings Tae goes to the park or Tennis club with Keila and Elea and I have one on one time.
  • The bond of nursing her, I love looking down at that sweet face so close to me. 
  • Tae's excitement in seeing her.  Every single time.  When he comes in the door he runs to her room and looks for her, or when I wake up in the morning and she is still asleep he asks to go see her 
  • I still love a good nap on my chest or in my arms 
  • Seeing Jess hold her and comfort her when she cries.  There's something about my man and a baby that makes my heart flutter. 

  • Cooing--her voice is so sweet 
  • Explosive poop that went all over me and the floor 
  • Elea got her first passport

Mommy Thoughts: 
She really is such a joy. She is so chill, rarely crying but letting us know she's here with her coos and kicking under the activity mat. She is super strong, she holds her head up and looks all around, when she doesn't want me to do something (ie put her shirt over her head) she tenses up her arms. I'm soaking in all the little moments, like her looking up at me while she nurses, her grasping my shirt when she falls asleep in my arms, her little eyes darting all around the room taking everything in, Tae asking a million times to hold her only to say, "Mama" right away for me to take her back, her high pitched squeal when she kicks.  Whoever said the days are long, but the years are short couldn't have been more correct. I can't believe our little gordinha is 2 months old!