Jess got back on Tae's 3rd month birthday and we couldn't be happier. It was an immediate whirlwind, as we picked him up in the morning and then immediately went to the DMV for him to get his license. After we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed back to the airport to catch our flight to Chicago for our dear friend Kara's wedding. Jess couldn't get over how much our little guy has changed since he saw him last (5.5 weeks).

It was so good to be together as a family and just take in each moment. Tae was a trooper and adjusted to the time difference really well. I was shocked at how cold it was in Chicago, luckily I had a couple long sleeve outfits for Tae. We had plans to meet up with Veronica and her brother for dinner the first night. V is one of those friends that is just good for your soul. We connect so well and I love her so much! It was great ago see her and meet her brother. Tae was a bit fussy when we got to the pizza place, but mainly because he was up past his normal bedtime by 2 hours. I ended up taking him back to the hotel and putting him down while Jess finished dinner with Veronica and her brother.

The next day we snuggled in bed, walked all around the city, ate street food, went to an art festival, and did a little shopping. It was amazing to have Jess back, for the first time in a long time I felt like an actual family. It was fun for Jess to interact with Tae and also made things way easier having another set of hands.
Kara and Mark's ceremony was on a boat that went around Lake Michigan, we didn't think it was a good idea for Tae to attend so Jess watched him while I went to the wedding. It was an amazing wedding, you could feel the love and energy as Kara and Mark said I do in a breathtaking setting. Their love for each other is captivating and I couldn't be happier for the.

After the wedding I came back to the hotel and picked up my dates for the reception. The wedding was so fun, but man going to a wedding as parents is a LITTLE (read A LOT) different. We would take turns when Tae was unhappy, but for the most part he was great! Jess made up for lost time with his first poop blow out experience! It was hilarious, he was holding Tae face to face and excitedly said, "He's great now, he just needed to poop!" Well what Jess didn't know was that the poop had exploded and shot all up his back, down his legs, into his shoes, and all over Jess' lap. I couldn't stop laughing! After a quick dip in the bathroom sink everything was all good.

We fell in love with Chicago and vowed to go back. We definitely noted how it isn't as easy to travel a it used to be as we were lugging all the crap totally necessary stuff for our little guy. Hopefully over time we will learn how to consolidate and all the tricks to the trade. Next on our tour was Colorado to see Jess' family...stay tuned for an update.