Before I left for China I took a trip out to Nebraska to see Grandma Jean |
My Grandma Jean went home to be with the Lord and her hubby on Saturday. While I know she is in good hands and probably enjoying unlimited pie right about now my heart breaks for my mom. Mom is a lover and loves her family to the core, so I can't imagine what she is feeling right now.
Mom serving her mom pie...notice the three flavors! |
I spent some time looking through facebook albums and found myself smiling at what a joyful woman Grandma Jean was the last couple years. I thought back to all the memories I had of her. I remember exploring her and Big Pop's house, devouring her delicious cooking, watching football games in the living room, and going shopping for some
hideous outfits. Grandma loved a bargain, maybe that's where my mom gets it. She had a knack for picking out the ugliest thing in the store and walked out proud because she saved money.
2011 Mom, Aunt Julie, Grandma Jean, and Uncle Mark (missing Uncle Kirk and Uncle Erick) |
The last time I saw Grandma Jean (in person) was in Nebraska for her 90th birthday. We had a big party to celebrate and her lifelong friends surprised her. I will never forget the pure look of shock and happiness on her face as they walked up singing to her. She was a faithful friend. I hope that when I am 90 I have such good friends that love me enough to show up as a surprise.
Surprise! |
Like a true Swanson Grandma Jean loved her food, Runza's were no exception. I think I liked them strictly because she loved them so much. If I remember correctly I think we brought some to her last time I was in Nebraska. We picked her up at her retirement home and ate some Runza's at Aunt Julie's. Of course before we left the retirement home she stuffed my pockets full of candy they had in the welcome room.
Some of the family out at Uncle Mark and Aunt Cathy's in 2011 |
Grandma's laugh is forever etched in my mind. She had a belly laugh that would go on long after the joke was told. She was a feisty little lady. One time she didn't want to take her medicine so she snuck it down her shirt! Aunt Julie wasn't too pleased, but we all got a kick out of it. She was proud of her children and grandchildren and always made sure we knew it.
Grandma and her two daughters |
Growing up so far away from my mom's family made me cherish the time we spent in Nebraska. I loved listening to the newest story, the drama, and the crazy events from my aunt, uncle, and cousins. I was often jealous of my cousins for living so close to Grandma Jean and Big Pop, they has such strong relationships, but I also realize my relationship with Grandma Jean was unique. She was a never one to hold her opinion in, so thankfully because I visited about once a year her opinions of me where often higher than they should have been :)
At Grandma Jean's 90th Birthday Party |
Although Grandma Jean is gone, I can still see her in my mom. Mom takes after Grandma Jean in her work ethic, cooking skills, stubbornness (sorry mom), goofy antics, shopping (although not as ugly...more for the bargains), love for her family, and strength. Grandma Jean raised five kids that loved her dearly, and mom did that as well. She put her family in front of her needs, just like mom continues to do. She was proud of her family just like mom is. She loved God, as does mom.
Katie, Grandma, and me |
It kills me that I can't be there for her funeral to say goodbye and give mom and my family extra hugs, but that's life. I will be there in spirit (and maybe even on Skype) to celebrate the life of an amazing woman.
Another thing that is great about going to Nebraska...FAMILY TIME. It is always great to spend time with my cousins, aunts, and uncles.
Some of the cousins all grown up. |
Crazy activities go down when you get the family together...my mom planking. |
Grandma Jean trying to figure out the whole Skype thing. |
We'll miss you Grandma, but know that you are living it up in heaven with Big Pop and all your friends that went before you.