An update on my September goals...I did about 8 out of 13. Not bad, but October is going to be a better month! I'm so glad Shay inspired me to record my goals and check back.
Take more photos -sort of
Write a blog post weekly-nope
Fully flip my math classes
Plan a fun, quirky date for Jess-we built a tent!
See the Christ Redeemer, Sugarloaf, and the Rio stairs -1/3...we just did Sugarloaf
Make it through the Whole30 challenge CHECK CHECK CHECK! Feeling great!
Work out at least four times a week CHECK
Snuggle more Sidenote:I feel like God grew our marriage so much this past month
Host a book club at our apartment -nope...October for sure
Make a new recipe every week-sort of, I made lots of new recipes thanks the the Whole30, but not sure if it was one a week.
Last more than 10 minutes during yoga -FAIL
Be in the word daily -Yep yep yep...God is good! (I'm keeping this one for October)
Look for the opportunities in the ordinary- I think this relates to the one above this :) (Keepin this too!)
Show Jess how much he means to me more-I think I did, he would have to answer this (and this...)
Pay it forward-in little ways, but I want to be more intentional in it (can always do better at this!)
Now for my October goals...
Be in the word daily
Look for the opportunities in the ordinary
Show Jess how much he means to me more
Pay it forward, I really feel God has us in Brazil for a purpose and I need to get out of my comfort zone and serve!
Continue eating healthy, only splurge once a week
Stand by my beautiful sister's side as she marries the man of her dreams
Be intentional about my spending when I am back in the States. Only buy things I can engage with.
Go on a fancy date
Reach out to bloggers, maybe enter a giveaway or even host one (how does that even work?!)
Ease off the social present
Laugh everyday
Give Flipped presentation
Put my resume up on my class website
Write a proposal for a technology learning coach
Begin to learn code
Start Portuguese lessons back up
Send snail mail to friends back home
Be ahead in my Masters course
Read one book for fun
Host a book club
Host a girls' night