Okay I'm a little behind, I blame that on traveling and then getting sick right when I landed back in China. I think my body was in shock from the change of temperatures (90 degrees to 6 degrees). Oh how I hate the cold, but I digress.
Spent NYE with my BFF in Georgia before heading back to China.

Back in China, attended Trina's birthday bash and had a blast with all my co-workers.

Went to Harbin with about 20 other teachers from my school. We survived the freezing temperatures and enjoyed seeing the ice city, ice sculpture world competition, and polar bear swim.

I experienced my first Chinese New Year in China-welcome to the Year of the Tiger. Fireworks were going off for a whole month...not kidding.

Started dating this guy...

Our school did a fundraiser and with the money the students shopped for new backpacks, coats, scarves, and gloves for local Chinese students. We went to their school and played games, ate lunch, and make a community connection. Another reason I love working in an international school.

Must have not been an eventful month...no pics from it. I'm sure I was busy at work (excuse).
Spring Break in Malaysia. It was almost as good as Thailand. Still had a blast and celebrated Veronica's birthday with new friends from all over the world.

Again must have not been very eventful because I have no pictures. I hate it when that happens.
Made my first trip to the Great Wall of China...and because I'm crazy we ran it. We completed the Great Wall 1/2 Marathon and it was amazing. It made the run go by so quick because we were admiring the architecture, people, and beauty. It also helped as a reward we went to Outback afterwards for Bloomin' Onions, Cheese Fries, and Chocolate Thunder Down Under.

I survived my first year of international teaching and fifth grade. I absolutely LOVED my class. They were amazing kids and I became so close with each one and their families. I was sad at the end of the year as many of them moved away. (The pic below is of both 5th grade classes...Paulita and I basically shared the kids!)
Had an engagement dinner for Maria and Preston at the boys' apartment and said goodbye for the summer...
Took a trip to Beijing to the Forbidden Palace, Tiananmen Square, and of course shopping...
Took classes in London, realized I am a complete teacher nerd as I loved my class on assessment.
Then to Venice...
Then home to see my favorite people who have supported me in my crazy adventure.
Bought my first MacBook Pro on my own!!! (Still paying it off...thank goodness for no interest for 18 months!)

Headed back to China for a new year in a new position, the accreditation/professional development coordinator. Also started the year by throwing a New Kids on the Block 80's Part.
Celebrated Jess' 30th birthday
Got cupped for the first time.

Went to India for a conference for my new job.

Went to North Korea (as close as we could)
Celebrated Xu Dan's wedding in Dandong, China.

Celebrated Halloween.
Got spoiled by Jess and my friends on my 28th birthday. (Somehow didn't manage to get a good picture)
Gave thanks for countless blessings.
Went to a charity gala with the administration team
Celebrated with co-workers at a Christmas Party

Spent Christmas week in Vietnam
Volunteered at Baan Santisuk, where my heart was captivated.

It was an amazing year! I couldn't be happier (unless I transported my friends and family from home here!). God has blessed me more than I deserve. I just hope in 2011 I can be share God's love with the people He puts in my life! Happy New Year!