Thursday, December 15, 2011

Making Jiaozi

Yes, I'm still alive.  Things have been so busy here.  We go to winter break in two days.  I'm so excited to go back to Baan Santisuk and see my sister in Krabi, Thailand.  I'm also so calm going into the job fair.  I know God will open doors and place us where He wants us next year.  It's such an exciting time in our lives, so much change!

When I left for China my mom wanted me to learn how to make Chinese food.  I'm afraid I have left her disappointed, but it is not for lack of trying.  The other weekend one of my students had me over to her house to teach me how to make jiaozi (dumplings).  It was so much fun. She is darling and her mom and grandma are precious.  They had a whole spread for me. 
The whole process is actually very time consuming.  It isn't hard, but folding each jiaozi is a feat in itself. I was told I did very well.  I'm not sure if they were just being nice or what, but I was very proud of mine.

I thought all we were having was jiaozi, which was perfectly fine because I could eat about 20 of them.  I was shocked to see all this food being put on the table.  There were some interesting options, but I sucked it up and ate it because I didn't want to be rude.  Let's just say I'll stick with jiaozi. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Non-Mom Bloggers....Can I Get a ?

I'm linking up with Kelly's Korner with other non-mom bloggers.  I started my blog when I decided I was going to teach internationally in China.  I wanted to keep my friends and family updated and use it to record all the places I went and experiences I had. 

I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most loyal blogger, but I try.  So here are 10 things about me if you're stopping by: 

1. I teach 5th grade at Dalian American International School in Northeast China. 

2. I came here to get away from guys and find myself...God has a funny sense of humor because it was here in China I met the love of my life, Jess.  We are engaged and are getting married next summer. 

3. I have a hard time not laughing when people fall.

4. I'm a Christian, I try to live everyday sharing Christ's love and grace. 

5. I played basketball at Furman University in Greenville, SC.  I love basketball and miss it so much.  One of the top things I miss from living abroad is the lack of sports I get to watch/go to. 

6. I 'm the youngest of 5 children and have the most amazing family ever. 

7. I hate tomatoes...but love ketchup. 

8. I love traveling, but flying isn't my favorite.  I refuse to let the fear of crashing and burning take over keep me from doing things I want. :)

9. I love all things chocolate (except a chocolate tomato if they exist...yuck)

10. I'm an avid reader...right now I'm reading The Book Thief and Same Kind of Different as Me

That's all I got folks...random?  Yes, but all true I promise :) 

Monday, October 31, 2011

I Couldn't Decide...Why Not Wear Them All?

Halloween in China is like nowhere else...okay maybe some other places, but none that I have experienced.  Growing up as a kid I liked Halloween, I mean what kid wouldn't.  You get to dress up and get a load of candy. In China I LOVE Halloween. I love seeing people go all out and how creative people are.  My favorites this year were Snap, Crackle, and Pop and a Chinese middle school girl (worn by a grown man of course). 

My family wasn't huge on Halloween, but what I did love is we always created our own costumes.  I don't remember ever buying a mask or anything.  Well here it is a little harder to make things (ie finding things and the stores that house them), but you can always have someone make them for you. So my friends...I had three costumes made this year.  I had so many I didn't even wear one.

Costume # 1 for school = Lucy


Costume # 2 for party = Jasmine (with my handsome Aladdin)

 Costume #3 for party #2 = Jem (minus the Hollograms)

I guess I'm going to have to get some more made before I leave.  I already know what Jess and I are going to be next year...muhahaha. 

In other news, my wedding dress has arrived.  It is a beaut, but will need lots of altering.  I would be lying if I said I loved it right when I tried it on...I'm not the visionary Stephanie is.  Once she came over and pulled some fabric here and there it was a different dress, the one I ordered!  It also didn't help that I was alone trying it on.  What girl fantasizes about going dress shopping alone?  This is one of the times I wish I was closer to my family and friends.

Two lovely ladies at my school are throwing us an engagement party later on in the month.  November is shaping up to be busy.  My birthday, Jess and I are going to Beijing the following weekend, an engagement party, and Turkey day. 

I will try to get better at blogging for all my 3 followers out there.  This week I want to record and post my testimony.  We listened to a great sermon yesterday that totally challenged me to how others see me and if I am bursting with the Holy Spirit.  Until blessed! 


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Running Amok in Cambodia

Wanted to put these pictures up but don't have time to write captions and a summary now.  Thank you for being patient. :)

Beijing with Beth

The first weekend in August I met up with my lovely cousin, Beth.  She's been living in Japan for two years and was on her way back to the States. It was so fun to see her and catch up.  We spent hours laughing and comparing stories of living overseas.  It was such a treat to have someone I love so much visit.  Here are some pictures from our fabulous weekend:

 Playing around at the Temple of Heaven

 Temple of Heaven
 The Chinese believe this tree radiates good energy
 My favorite thing to do is people watch at the Temple of Heaven early in the morning.  This man was getting his groove on.
 Writing poems on the walkways.
 Wish I could read it...
 Tuk-tuk ride to the hutong hostel
 Beth was so excited for some Grandma's Kitchen (Western food!!!)
 Some men playing mah-jong at a local park we passed by.
 This man was adorable...he did this all through the Olympics and he asked people to mail him the pictures they took. He had a whole book of all the people he met. 
Me and Whamo!

I leave you with Chinese air conditioning.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

We're Engaged!

So I guess I am a little behind on this lil old bloggy.  I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this already knows, but Jess and I are engaged.  I am so happy and excited to be spend the rest of my life with him.  He's a pretty good catch if I do say so myself.  :)

It happened August am I a terrible blogger.  So I owe y'all a story and also an update on my amazing summer.  I'll get back to you on those...don't hold your breath. :) 

Monday, June 6, 2011

What's Going On?

I have been a terrible blogger this past month.  Thing have been busy, but that's no excuse.  I could blame it on China's internet or lack thereof, but we will just go with me being too lazy to post.  Here are just a few of the things I have been doing since last time I posted...

  Celebrated accreditation being O.V.E.R.  Can I get an amen!


 Look what I found walking in Kai Fi Qu... Coooookie Crisps. Oh the randomness of China.

 Celebrated Kara's birthday with some Japanese Teppanyaki.

 A trip to Hong Kong

 A climb up the Peak in HK.

 Walked the streets of Hong Kong and found this lovely dragon.  

Crazy Hair Day at school...we love the wigs.  (Me and Trina, our librarian)